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A New Adventure Awaits...Out West!

Writer's picture: Tricia WasielewskiTricia Wasielewski

Yeehaw! We are moving out West, y'all!

It's been quite a stressful few months wondering what was happening next with Shawn's job. I've felt incredibly lonely at times when Shawn worked weekends, and it has come to a point where we were both just plain ready for a change! Since Shawn still wants to travel for work, we have decided that it's best for both of us if I go with him on his jobs from now on. Maybe it's the wanderer in me, but I have found myself wanting to move somewhere far away, experience something new, and start fresh. I am so SO excited to finally have a place to be headed to. So where are we headed? Drumroll please....

Green River, Wyoming. Damn. That place is pretty.

Lol. Yes, indeed, there are more buffalo in Wyoming than people. It's cool though. Tucker and I are ready to make some new animal friends anyways. Plus, that is some beautiful scenery to wake up to every day. It could definitely be worse.

After nearly a year of hardly seeing my husband, I would freaking take anything at this point if it meant we could be together. But honestly, I am really, REALLY stoked about it. I haven't had the opportunity to explore my own country yet. This is the perfect opportunity to do so. I am hoping to visit lot of national parks, participate in all the outdoor activities, and just enjoy the natural beauty of America out there.

So what the heck am I going to do out there? I plan to continue coaching and training people who want my help reaching their health and fitness goals out in Wyoming (anyone...ANYONE??). Actually there are CrossFit gyms out there! Maybe I will hop in to one of them and see where it goes. My blog will continue as well! If you want updates about how life in the middle of nowhere is going, or what I am doing to keep up with my own health and fitness, subscribe to my site, and keep reading for future updates!

I can't say that I won't miss the South. I'll always think of the South as the home where I grew up. My family lives here, my friends are here, and since moving to Kennesaw, I have gained an extended family through my clients and gym friends. Don't worry guys, I'll still be checking in on ya! This is no excuse to give up your health and fitness goals! I can still be annoying as hell from a million miles away. Here's your opportunity to use what you've learned, and continue conquering those goals without me. I can't wait to hear about everyone's progress after I'm gone and to follow you guys through that process.

I have learned so much from the people I have worked and trained with at CrossFit Bound. It will be incredibly weird to no longer have that 4:30 alarm buzzing at me each day. I don't know how I'll start my days without the super chipper 5:30am crew greeting me each day (or the looks of why the hell didn't I just snooze my alarm today that always make me laugh). Regardless of how early it is, my morning classes always make my day. Your drive and determination to get it done before the sun comes up always inspires me more than you know. It takes a little strength to get up to coach that early, but it takes a mountain of it to get up everyday to workout that early. Y'all are my heroes.

I am excited to take with me out west a wealth of knowledge I have gained through my experience and training over the past several years. I am so appreciative of each and every one of the members and coaches at Bound for having such a positive impact on my life. I wish you all the absolute best and hope to visit you all at the gym when I make trips back to Georgia!

I've made so many incredible memories over the past few years. They will all stick with me for a lifetime.

Teammates, training partners, and clients have become like family.

And I have grown so much as a coach and as a person because of each person who has entered my life here.

Bound fam, I'll miss you guys more than you know. Thanks for being such an amazing part of my life.

If you ever need to get a hold of me, don't hesitate to reach out. I am happy to help with anything nutrition, health, or fitness related in any way that I can, even from a distance! I'm also down to chat about life. My only friends out there may have 4 legs and be unable to talk back, so don't become a stranger. BE MY FRIEND. I love you guys and look forward to seeing you again soon. Keep being the badasses I know you all are!

On to the next adventure!

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