Well, looks like we're going to be here for a while, guys. Following President Trump's press conference announcing that he is extending the social distancing guidelines through the end of April, most parts of the country are following suit by pushing back dates for closures and recommendations for remaining at home. Sounds to me like a whole lot more at home workouts and Netflix in our futures.
I know this time is stressful for people while there is so much uncertainty and chaos amongst us. I urge you to try to view it from a positive angle by investing this time at home in your family and by finding ways to connect with your friends and loved ones from a distance. Showing each other that we love and care for one another is more important than ever. If you are thinking about someone, reach out to them, send them a small gift or letter, get together over video chat, or set up a weekly time to talk on the phone, even if you don't have much to say. I've been talking to my family more than ever lately, and it always makes me feel better when I'm feeling down.
For me, weekends have been tough for a while now, because Shawn has been working, literally, 7 days a week since basically the beginning of the year. I feel like it has been even more noticeable now that I am confined to our apartment. Not having my escape to the gym has definitely been wearing on me. We are getting closer and closer to the end of this project, so I feel like we can at least see the light at the end of that tunnel. I will be ecstatic just to get a full weekend with my husband again, y'all! And side note- I'm hoping to let you guys know what adventures are in store for us next very soon!
To keep myself busy and from dwelling on my loneliness on weekend days, I have been breaking my days into small chunks of time. I schedule in multiple shorter workouts, walks outside, chores, reading time, time to watch the news or a show, time to call friends or family members, meal prep time, and time to shower and get ready for the day. I even participated in a Zoom yoga class on Sunday morning and absolutely LOVED it. Not only did I feel like I moved my body and got a good stretch in, I was also able to clear my head and refresh my mind after a pretty gloomy week.
My favorite part of this weekend was Saturday night. We finally gave in to all the ads we see over Facebook, and bought the Hunt a Killer game to try. We only purchased the first part of a series of 6 boxes, and selected the month-to-month option where you can cancel at anytime- just in case we hated it. Each box contains its own specific objective and is part of a larger mystery where you are attempting to, eventually, solve a murder case. Overall, I thought it was really fun. I think that I would have rather had the entire thing up front, because we completed our first objective fairly quickly. I would say once we had read through all of the instructions it only took us about an hour to get through all of the clues and send in our guess (which was correct), whereas it estimates between 10 and 15 hours to complete an entire mystery. It was fun to decode messages, sort through evidence, and act like investigators on a murder case though! Once you solve the first box, they give you an option to immediately order the next one, so I like that you don't have to wait an entire month to get your next box if you don't want. Overall, I would recommend it as a nice way to change things up with the family on a weekend.
Sunday, we were finally blessed with some tolerable weather, and I was able to get outside for a nice, long walk with my pup. Since I didn't have Shawn with me to talk to on the way, I turned on a good country station on Pandora and set off down the road. It definitely brightens my mood to get some sun and fresh air, listen to some upbeat tunes, and exercise outdoors. I'm sure Tucker wasn't too mad about it either.
We also decided to start Tiger King on Netflix this weekend, since it's all the rage right now. I had to see what all the hype was about. This docuseries is truly like a train wreck that you can't take your eyes off of. Those people are all out of their damn minds. Carole's guilty, Joe's guilty, they all do drugs, steal money, and take advantage of tigers. It's a giant mess of a show, but it sure is entertaining and addicting. We still have a couple episodes left to finish this week, and then I'll be on the hunt for the next binge-worthy show. Let me know your faves!
Switching gears to a more serious note, this week I am starting my coursework for the Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification. I've been waiting to sign up for this course for several months now, and it's finally started. I am excited to learn all things nutrition to expand my knowledge as a coach and to be able to better serve all of you guys! More on this as we go!
I hope you all have a great week. Remember not to let the the news get you down. We are all in this together! Every day of social distancing gets us one step closer to being back in society again. Take comfort in knowing that by staying at home you are doing your part to get this world back in order again. We will be back to business soon enough, and it will be a beautiful day when we can freely travel, hug, enjoy a meal, and go to the freaking gym together once again. Looking so forward to those days, but until then, keep ya distance!