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Colorado Life + Travel Workouts!

Writer's picture: Tricia WasielewskiTricia Wasielewski

I finally arrived in Denver late Monday night! The views from our hotel are gorgeous. Honestly, everywhere I go the views are freaking beautiful. Can I just live here forever?

We have a goal to see and do as many things as possible in the short time we are here. I love exploring this area, because I can see myself settling down here in the future (fingers crossed). We are trying to plan a new hike most days of the weeks, and hoping to do some longer hikes and activities on the weekends. If you have any Denver area must-dos, please shout them out in the comments! We love doing all the active things, i.e hiking, rafting, horseback riding, biking, etc.

Since I got in so late on Monday, Tuesday, was my catch-up day. I spent most of the day organizing my stuff and adjusting to the time change. When Shawn got off work, we (along with Tucker, of course) headed up to Mt. Golbraith for a hike. The total hike was about 4 miles long and took us right around an hour and a half. It got pretty steep at the top, and at one point, we thought we may have accidentally wandered off the trail, but we made it, guys!

Shawn told me that one of the best parts of the trails here are the wild flowers, which I took absolutely zero pictures of (face palm), but I did snap a picture of this awesome tree which reminds me of The Lion King. Speaking of, who's going to see the new one this weekend (hand raised!).

Anyways, the Mt. Golbraith trail was an awesome way to dip my toes into Colorado hiking, and it gets me excited for what's to come!

Last night, we drove about 5 minutes down the street to a park where you could hop on the High Line Canal trail. This walking/running/biking trail is dog friendly, but is filled with wild bunnies, so Tucker is constantly going bonkers trying to chase after them. I love that access to the trail is so close to us, because it is the perfect spot for a run. I'll be back out there a ton for sure! Apparently the trail is huge, so I will probably never see the whole thing, but I just love how accessible all the different trails are. And they're right in your backyard everywhere here! It's a fitness-lover's dream.

The part we did last night was right along a golf course. We got caught in a short pop up thunderstorm about midway through our walk and took shelter under a big tree. We stood there for about 5 minutes, before the storm passed. Apparently, these pop-up storms are a big thing here, and can be dangerous. Shawn heard that someone got struck by lightening while hiking one of the mountains around here. I guess the moral of the story is: check your weather app before heading out.

Tonight we will head out to the South Rim, Willow Creek, and Fountain Valley Loop for a 5.2 miler. We will leave Tucker at home today, since he's been crushing the hiking game lately. Talk about a fit dog, you should see this guy run up rocks. He's nuts! I let him know he needs to take a rest day today.

Now that you are thoroughly sick of all my hiking talk, I've got TWO travel workouts for you! The first one is a total body HIIT workout, and the second is an exercise ball ab workout! I did this ab workout yesterday, and my core was legit trembling. I don't know about you, but I love that feeling. All the core moves are up on my Instagram. Follow me @trishwassy to check out the videos!

It doesn't get much simpler than this, folks. No equipment necessary, just good old fashioned hard work. For this total body HIIT workout, your goal is maximum reps in the 40 seconds of work. Count your reps, and shoot to hit the same number each round! Go through 5 rounds back to back, or rest 1 minute between rounds if absolutely necessary. If you put in the effort, you will be dripping in sweat by the end!

All you need for this workout is an exercise ball. Mat is totally optional. Complete all exercises back-to-back, and then rest one minute between rounds. Make sure you are thinking about squeezing those abs and staying tight through your entire core for all movements. Exercises should be performed slowly and under control. No rushing through this one!

Enjoy those workouts, and I'll see ya back tomorrow for some Friday Faves!

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