Happy Friday the 13th!
Anything spooky happen to you guys today?? Nothing too strange happening in this neck of the woods. This makes me giggle though:
So true. Friday the 13th is bringing me all the Fall vibes. Plus, I am LOVING this Fall weather out West. It was 50° this morning! I zipped up my jacket and hopped right on over to Starbucks to sip on some pumpkin coffee to celebrate. I also heard the mountains got their first bit of snow this week. Wild. Apologies to my Georgia and other East Coast friends who are still dying in the summer heat. If it makes you feel better, I'll probably die in all the snow in Wyoming this Winter, so it all comes back around. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy being spoiled as HECK in this gorgeous Fall weather.
This weekend we are planning to watch some friends from my gym compete in a CrossFit competition. It should be an interesting change to watch from the sidelines instead of competing, but I am excited nonetheless! Then, Sunday we are planning to hit our last couple 14ers- Grays and Torreys with Tucker. We've been told this hike is on the easier side, as 14ers go, so we thought it would be a good opportunity to take Tucker on his first hike at that elevation. Wish us luck!
Without further ado, let's get crackin' with some Friday Faves! Here are some of the things I have been loving lately:
Pumpkin Coffee! Duh. It's my #1 Fall favorite, and Starbucks released it so early this year. No complaints over here. I've been grabbing a pumpkin flavored nitro cold brew or iced coffee a couple times a week, and it is the BEST. My orders go one of 2 ways:
1. Grande nitro cold brew with sweet cream, 1 pump of pumpkin, sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon on top
2. Grande iced coffee with 2 pumps of pumpkin and a splash of half and half.
Both are DELISH. You should try one when you are feeling full of the Fall spirit.
Coconut milk iced lattes. Speaking of coffees, this is another favorite I have been enjoying time to time. I actually picked one of these up last weekend when I felt like treating myself. The order is: grande iced vanilla latte, half sweet (2 pumps of syrup instead of 4), made with coconut milk. It's a game changer. I'm not a huge fan of coconut, and I don't use coconut milk often, but for some reason, it is fantastic in coffee.
This quote I saw on Instagram earlier this week. Goes along superbly with this post I wrote about why strength training is great for everyone!
Killing Eve. This show is AH-mazing. Really though. If you haven't gotten into this one yet, stop what you're doing, and go check it out- the first season is up on Hulu. It's about an MI5 security officer (think UK's equivalent to FBI) trying to hunt down a Russian assassin. Both the agent, played by Sandra Oh, who I LOVE, and the assassin are obsessed with each other, and get into this weird, but totally addicting, game of cat and mouse to find one another. It's suspenseful, funny, and immensely entertaining. Definitely give it a watch sometime.
Alter Eco truffles. What's a week without my new chocolate addiction making its way into the Friday round-up? These are insane. It makes me happy that they are organic and made with coconut oil. I love the classic dark flavor, but the sea salt caramel ones are even better. Warning: sticking to a serving size is torturous.
Speaking of chocolate, did you hear that Perfect Bar is coming out with peanut butter cups?? Sign me up. They hit Whole Foods stores next week.
Night hiking. Ever since we hiked Longs and started in the dark, I have been reminiscing HARD on that experience. I really want to do another night hike before we leave Colorado so I can break out my super sweet head lamp again. We purchased these babies for like 15 bucks at Home Depot, and they work spectacularly. Hiking in the dark is a must-try experience in my opinion. Go to bed early one night, and wake up in the middle of the night for a hike. You won't regret it. Bonus: you'll get to watch a beautiful sunrise.
My workout of the week: The 9/11 Tribute WOD. It is insane that is has been 18 years since the tragic events of this day took place in our country. I still remember seeing glimpses of the news coverage from my 6th grade classroom. That was the first time I was made aware of things like terrorism, hijacking, and hate from other countries. This workout is a tribute to the tremendous loss of life that day, and to all the people who have given their lives so that we could live ours. God bless America, and never forget.
New Netflix shows to Binge this weekend: The I-land, Tall Girl, and Unbelievable.
So many new things just dropped on Netflix! I honestly don't know a lot about these shows yet, but they look pretty great, and I plan to check them out over the weekend.
We finally have a move date! Shawn and I will be Wyomians(?-HA!) on September 26th...sort of. More like nomads, but whatever. Not that I'm super pumped to leave Colorado (I'm actually really bummed to leave this amazing place and all the cool people I've met here), but it is nice to have a plan, rather than continuing to live in Limbo. We head back to Georgia next weekend to pack up some of our stuff, then we will drive a U-Haul across the country, ending up in Wyoming by that Thursday. We visited the town we'll be living in a couple of weekends ago, and we were able to find an apartment that we both really like. Life is crazy, but super fun, and I'm excited for the start of another new adventure. Don't worry Colorado, we'll be back!
Must-try recipes for the weekend:
Pumpkin chocolate chip cookie dough cups -- Ok I have a chocolate problem.
Healthy Yogurt Oat Blueberry Muffins- I need my oven back so badly.
Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes - this looks incredible. Definitely cooking this up soon. Flank steak is the best.
Bang Bang Cauliflower- Enough said.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!