Who's pumped for the weekend?! Our neighborhood pool finally opens tomorrow, so that means you can catch me there for the rest of summer.
I'm obviously the cool dog with the shades on in that gif, not the awkward one that doesn't know what to do with his hands...

Good news. I survived that workout yesterday, but barely. There were many pauses of life contemplation like this throughout my 42 minutes of work.
This brings me to my first Friday Fave. The workout from yesterday. It was rough, but rough in a really awesome way. My legs, especially my calves, hate me today, but I'm happy I did it. Here's what we did-
5 rounds for time:
50 barbell step-ups (45/35)
15 power cleans (135/95)
50 barbell step-ups
10 power snatches (135/95)

Summer roasted veggies. All the colors in this bowl make me super happy. Not only are they super easy to make, but they taste delicious too. Just cut your veggies up, and toss them in some olive oil, sea salt, garlic, rosemary, and thyme (or whatever spices you love!). Then, throw them on a baking sheet, and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Bam: the perfect addition to any meal.

Ice Age Meals. I absolutely LOVE these meals. That is saying something too, because I have been extremely skeptical of frozen meals ever since I realized how awful Lean Cuisines were for my body. Please tell me some of y'all went through a Lean Cuisine phase. When I worked in an office job after college, that was my go-to lunch every day. Then I realized how shitty the food quality was, and how many preservatives they contained, and I kicked that habit for good. Ice Age uses high quality meats (grass-fed and organic), and they have tons of Paleo-friendly options. My absolute favorites are the butternut squash lasagna, tri-tip with yams, and the fajita pie. They are a tad on the expensive side, but they run great sales (I caught a 38% off sale last week), and you are definitely paying for quality. Follow their Instagram and look for the next sale if you want to try them out!

Dead to Me on Netflix. This show on Netflix had me cracking up. It's a little dark at times, but the actors are fantastic, and they keep it lighthearted at the same time. They're calling it a "traumedy," as they find ways to make light of a pretty tragic situation. The episodes are all under 30 minutes, so it's not a huge time commitment. I highly recommend giving it a try if you're looking to binge something this weekend. I accidentally watched the whole thing in 3 days. No regrets.
New season of The Bachelorette. If you hate the Bachelor franchise, then feel free to skip ahead. I am a super fan. I will forever watch every single Bachelor/Bachelorette/spinoff episode for the rest of time. Bachelor in Paradise?? THE BEST ONE. I love the drama-filled mess that is the Bachelor. O geez. Where do I begin with this season. I was NOT a Hannah fan on the Colton's season of The Bachelor. I also hate Alabama, so every freaking time she says "ROLL TIDE," I throw up in my mouth a lot. After episode 1, still not a Hannah fan. Am I still going to watch? Hell yea. At least she wasn't quite as awkward as she was during the After the Final Rose show. That was a damn train wreck. Hopefully she can keep my interest this season, and I am PRAYING that she gets rid of a really awesome guy to be the next Bachelor. We'll see.

Getting to make birthday cookies for a friend. A quarter of the available dough may have been consumed in the process of making the actual cookies. OOPS. So freaking delicious. Make this recipe for gluten free, dairy free chocolate chip cookies ASAP if you need something sweet in your life. Honestly, who doesn't??

Wednesday active recovery yoga class and swim. I was on a kick for a while of using my Wednesdays as active recovery rest days. I currently have a membership to LA Fitness so I can use their pool for lap swimming. Since they have free classes, I checked out a yoga class with a friend and LOVED it. It's totally beginner level, which is right up my non-yogi alley. Every Wednesday, I would really look forward to my yoga and swim day, but I fell off the wagon for a couple weeks as I was cramming for my personal training recertification test. Now that that's over, I finally got back to yoga and the pool this week. I left the gym afterwards feeling so refreshed. It's the perfect mid-week mind and body reset.
Brunch recipes. I am feeling a home-cooked Sunday brunch this weekend. I stumbled across this Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Bake recipe that I am dying to try:
I think I will pair it with this Broccoli and Feta Frittata:
After getting my cast iron skillets a while back, I have been wanting to try out a frittata recipe. I'm thinking this is my chance. Plus, I have been ALL about feta lately. Both of these recipes will make great leftovers, as well, so it's like built in meal-prep as well!
That's all I've got for you this week. Please let me know what you've been loving lately in the comments, so I can check out some of your faves! Enjoy your weekend, everyone!