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  • Writer's pictureTricia

Weekend Workout Roundup

Good morning, friends! Just another day under quarantine over in this neck of the woods. That picture is a throwback from a couple weeks back in the Georgia mountains before things started to get out of control. Remember the days when we could go hang out with our friends and do all the fun things without a care in the world? Feels so long ago! (It's only been 5 days, Tricia.) I am currently back in Wyoming, quarantining at my teeny apartment with Shawn and Tucker. Have no fear, limited space isn't enough to hold this girl back from getting her fitness on. I kicked off this morning with a sweaty FaceTime workout with my friend Jess. We challenge you guys to team up with your fave workout buddy over FaceTime or video chat this week and have some fun this little burner:

5 Rounds For Time:

60 Double Unders

40 Step Back Lunges

20 Burpees

***You can modify the double unders to single unders (do 120 if you do that) or you can do toe taps on top of a ball, chair, or other object instead.***

This was a good one, and even more enjoyable with a partner to push you. It's always more motivating to workout, especially at home, if you have someone to keep you accountable. I highly recommend designating one of your friends as your quarantine health accountability person. Then, you guys can check on each other throughout this time at home. You can pay each other in virtual high fives and fist bumps, because, #socialdistancing. Share your workouts, healthy recipes, and encourage each other to keep working hard each day. Remember, one of our best defenses against this thing is to continue to exercise and eat right!

How was everyone's weekend? Did you even notice there was one? I'm starting to forget what day it actually is. One of my goals today is to fill out my day planner with my daily routine, even though I'm not going anywhere. It will make me feel a little more normal...maybe? Anyways, this weekend for me was more of the same. Shawn's company is still full steam ahead on their project, so he is working weekends also. While he was gone, I did a lot of working out to pass the time. I am doing a daily post on my Facebook and Instagram stories of my morning sweat routine, so you can always check them out there. Here are my workouts from the weekend:

Give those a try and let me know how you do!

Friday night we started the show The English Game. It's written by Julian Fellowes, who also wrote for Downton Abbey, and it follows two early English football (soccer) teams, divided by class, but brought together by sport. If you're a big history buff like me, you'll love it. It goes into the origins of the game, class tensions in England during the 1800s, and it's based on a true story. I was obsessed with Downton Abbey when it was playing, so my interest was already piqued, add in some soccer and I'm in. We are enjoying it so far.

Did y'all see that some of the movies that were supposed to be available in theaters right now have been released on several streaming platforms? They're pretty expensive, but, if you were to go to the movies, two tickets would run you the same, if not more. On Amazon they're available for download for $20. Saturday night, we rented The Hunt off Amazon, popped some popcorn, set up a comfy spot on the couch, and had a date-night-in. It was actually really fun. I dressed up, did my makeup, and everything. Plus, Tucker got to join in on movie time, so what makes a better date night than that?

One Sunday, first and foremost, I was able to acquire this highly valuable possession:

I honestly high fived myself upon leaving Smith's that morning because I was so pumped that I got it. Y'all toilet paper hoarders are some real assholes. A'int nobody tryin' to not be able to wipe their butts during these tough times, so chill!

Sunday was also an active recovery day for me. I was hoping to get out in the sun for a long run/walk with Tucker, but the wind was so bad I bailed. I brought my indoor bike stand with me to Wyoming, so I hopped on that bad boy for 45 minutes to sweat a bit before Shawn and I went out to the Wild Horse Loop for some shooting.

We spent about an hour shooting some clays, and since it had been a while for me, took some time to shake off the cobwebs and remember what I was doing. I'm proud of how well I was shooting by the end and can't wait to go again. Am I fitting in more in Wyoming yet?

Alright, I'm off to do a Zoom class with my CrossFit friends, and to see how it's done so I don't totally botch my class that I'm coaching at 4 today. Wish me luck.

If you're feeling down, watch this video for some solid giggles:

Then get up and move your body, because that always helps too! Who's ever gotten done with a workout and said, "man, I really regret that?" Let me tell you, no one. You're welcome. Love y'all!

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