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Weekly Workouts + Core Workout for YOU!

Writer's picture: Tricia WasielewskiTricia Wasielewski

Good morning, all! I hope everyone had a productive Monday. Mine was full of sweat thanks to this heat! I honestly don't know how I get through the summers each year. Ya girl is ready for pool and lake days FOR REAL!

On another note, my weekly workouts are off to a good start! We kicked off Hero Month at the CrossFit gym this week, and I completed my second one yesterday. I'm honestly so pumped that I get to challenge myself through these tough workouts this year. This is typically the time that I would be training for Regionals, so the past couple of years I have been unable to sweat it out with my gym peeps. So much excitement!

Although I didn't have time to make it up to the gym for a class, I had the equipment I needed at home in my garage gym to complete it. If you struggle to find time to make it to the gym during the week, it may be worth your while to invest in some relatively inexpensive gym equipment to utilize at home. I workout in my garage or my living room all the time! You can do SO many workouts with a single set of dumbbells or a kettlebell, without having to break the bank on an expensive gym membership or fancy home gym setup. <Check out those Amazon links to purchase equipment! Prime ships it for FREE! Say what?!

Yesterday's workout was:


25 min AMRAP-

150 Double unders

50 push-ups

15 power cleans (185/125)

*I scored 3 rounds + 150 DU + 49 push-ups + a giant puddle of sweat

Here is this week's workout schedule:

Monday- CrossFit

Tuesday- CrossFit

Wednesday- Long trail run + Core work

Thursday- Swim + Yoga (Active recovery)

Friday- CrossFit

Saturday- Lifting in the garage gym

Sunday- Rest day

Today, I am giving you guys my core work for Wednesday! I did this one last week and it was ROUGH. If you want a great ab routine to finish up a workout or cardio sesh, give this one a try. You will definitely feel the burn. It shouldn't take any longer than 15 minutes tops! I'm also going to start posting videos of the movements for my workouts on my Instagram. Follow me there @trishwassy, or click the Instagram icon at the top of this page.

*Workout Notes: Complete each exercise in circuit fashion (back-to-back), with minimal rest between exercises. Rest a full minute after the completion of each round.

In and Outs: With your hands resting lightly on the ground behind you for support, move your knees in toward your chest and back out until they are straight.

Bicycle crunches: Crunch one of your elbows to the opposite knee while the other leg is straight, lifted slightly off the ground. Alternate crunching elbow to opposite knee for 20 total reps.

Toe touches: Crunch up, reaching towards your toes, lifting shoulders off the ground as high as possible.

Leg lifts: Lift your legs straight up in the air, pushing your hips up as high as possible, then control (shoot for 4 seconds coming down) the lowering portion of the movement (negative).

Dead bug reaches: Engage your core and pull your shoulder blades off of the floor with hands by your sides, lifted off the ground. With knees bent, reach towards your heels and twist as far as possible side-to-side for 50 total reps (25 reaches per direction).

Bathing suit season is approaching! Get those abs right! What are your workout plans for the week? Let me know if you include this core work and how it goes :).

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